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Sorting Through the Chaos: JavaScript Object Sorting Techniques

JavaScript, the language that’s as dynamic as the web it powers, often throws us curveballs when it comes to handling data structures. One such curveball is when you’ve got an object, and you need to sort it. Unlike arrays, objects don’t have a built-in sort method. But fear not! We’re going to tackle this head-on and look at how to get those objects in order.

Why Sort Objects?

You might be wondering, “Why do I need to sort an object in the first place?” Well, imagine you’ve got a leaderboard object where the keys are player IDs and the values are their scores. To display the top players, you’ll need to sort this object by its values. That’s just one scenario, but there are plenty of others where sorting an object becomes essential.

The Basics: Converting to Arrays

Before we dive into sorting, let’s lay down the groundwork. Since objects aren’t directly sortable, we’ll convert them to an array format that we can work with. Here’s how you do it:

const leaderboard = {
  'player1': 100,
  'player2': 200,
  'player3': 50,

// Convert object to an array of [key, value] pairs
const items = Object.entries(leaderboard);
console.log(items); // [['player1', 100], ['player2', 200], ['player3', 50]]

Sort by Keys

Now that we have our object as an array of key-value pairs, let’s sort them by keys:

items.sort((a, b) => {
  const keyA = a[0].toLowerCase(); // Assuming keys are strings and we want a case-insensitive sort
  const keyB = b[0].toLowerCase();
  if (keyA < keyB) return -1;
  if (keyA > keyB) return 1;
  return 0;

console.log(items); // [['player1', 100], ['player2', 200], ['player3', 50]] (sorted by player ID)

Sort by Values

Sorting by values is just as straightforward, but this time we’re interested in the second element of each pair:

items.sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]);

console.log(items); // [['player3', 50], ['player1', 100], ['player2', 200]] (sorted by score)

Custom Sort Functions

Sometimes, you need a more complex sort order. Let’s say we want to sort by score, but in the case of a tie, we sort by player ID. Here’s how you’d do that:

items.sort((a, b) => {
  const scoreDiff = a[1] - b[1];
  if (scoreDiff !== 0) return scoreDiff;
  const keyA = a[0].toLowerCase();
  const keyB = b[0].toLowerCase();
  if (keyA < keyB) return -1;
  if (keyA > keyB) return 1;
  return 0;

console.log(items); // [['player3', 50], ['player1', 100], ['player2', 200]] (sorted by score, then by player ID)

Bringing It Back to an Object

After sorting, you might want to convert the array back into an object. Here’s a quick way to do that:

const sortedLeaderboard = Object.fromEntries(items);
// {player3: 50, player1: 100, player2: 200}

Lodash to the Rescue

If you’re not into writing your own sorting functions, you can use a library like Lodash, which is a utility library that makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, strings, etc.

Here’s how you can sort by values using Lodash:

const _ = require('lodash'); // Make sure to npm install lodash first!

const sortedByValues = _.orderBy(leaderboard, _.identity, 'asc');
// {player3: 50, player1: 100, player2: 200}

And that’s just half the story! We’ve covered the fundamentals of object sorting in JavaScript, looked at custom sort functions, and even glanced at how a third-party library can make our lives easier. Stay tuned for the second half, where we’ll dive into more advanced sorting techniques, including sorting nested objects and dealing with non-numeric values.

Advanced Sorting: Nested Objects and Beyond

Alright, we’ve got the basics down, but sometimes, the data doesn’t play niceā€”it’s all nested and complex. Fear not, we’re going to sort it out (pun intended). Let’s say you have an object with nested objects as values, and you need to sort by a property within those nested objects. Here’s the game plan.

Sorting Nested Objects

Consider the following nested object:

const teamScores = {
  'team1': { 'score': 70, 'name': 'Alpha' },
  'team2': { 'score': 90, 'name': 'Charlie' },
  'team3': { 'score': 80, 'name': 'Bravo' },

We want to sort teamScores by each team’s score. Here’s how we’d do it:

const sortedTeams = Object.entries(teamScores)
  .sort((a, b) => a[1].score - b[1].score)
  .reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
    obj[key] = val;
    return obj;
  }, {});

// {
//   'team1': { 'score': 70, 'name': 'Alpha' },
//   'team3': { 'score': 80, 'name': 'Bravo' },
//   'team2': { 'score': 90, 'name': 'Charlie' }
// }

In this snippet, we’ve used reduce to transform our sorted array back into an object.

Dealing with Non-Numeric Sorting

What if you need to sort by a string property, like the team names in our teamScores object? Here’s how you can sort by the name property:

const sortedByName = Object.entries(teamScores)
  .sort((a, b) => a[1].name.localeCompare(b[1].name))
  .reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
    obj[key] = val;
    return obj;
  }, {});

// {
//   'team1': { 'score': 70, 'name': 'Alpha' },
//   'team3': { 'score': 80, 'name': 'Bravo' },
//   'team2': { 'score': 90, 'name': 'Charlie' }
// }

The localeCompare method is a string method that returns a number indicating whether a reference string comes before or after or is the same as the given string in sort order.

Sorting with Multiple Criteria

Now, what if you want to sort by score, and then by name in case of a score tie? Here’s the magic:

const sortedByMultiple = Object.entries(teamScores)
  .sort((a, b) => {
    const scoreDiff = a[1].score - b[1].score;
    if (scoreDiff !== 0) return scoreDiff;
    return a[1].name.localeCompare(b[1].name);
  .reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
    obj[key] = val;
    return obj;
  }, {});

// {
//   'team1': { 'score': 70, 'name': 'Alpha' },
//   'team3': { 'score': 80, 'name': 'Bravo' },
//   'team2': { 'score': 90, 'name': 'Charlie' }
// }

Using Third-Party Libraries for Complex Sorting

Sometimes, the sorting logic can get pretty hairy, and it’s in these moments that libraries like Lodash really shine. For example, Lodash’s _.orderBy can sort by multiple fields with ease.

const lodashSorted = _.orderBy(Object.entries(teamScores), [([, value]) => value.score, ([, value]) =>], ['asc', 'asc']);
// {
//   'team1': { 'score': 70, 'name': 'Alpha' },
//   'team3': { 'score': 80, 'name': 'Bravo' },
//   'team2': { 'score': 90, 'name': 'Charlie' }
// }

Performance Considerations

When sorting objects, especially large ones, consider the performance implications. Sorting can be expensive, and converting objects to arrays, sorting, and then converting them back adds overhead. If performance is a concern, you might want to consider keeping your data in an array of objects from the start if you anticipate needing to sort frequently.


Sorting objects in JavaScript can be a bit of a roundabout process, but it’s not overly complex once you get the hang of it. We’ve covered a range of techniques from basic key-value sorting to handling nested objects and even using third-party libraries for more advanced scenarios. Whether you’re sorting player scores or organizing complex datasets, these skills are sure to come in handy.

Remember, though, the best sorting method depends on your specific use case. Sometimes, simplicity is king, and other times, you’ll need the heavy-lifting power of libraries like Lodash. Happy sorting, and may your objects always be in order!