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Jumping Through Hoops: The goto Statement in JavaScript

Alright, folks, let’s chat about something that’s a bit of a programming relic: the goto statement. Now, before you jump out of your chair in either excitement or horror, let me just say – JavaScript doesn’t actually have a goto statement. I know, I know, some of you might be thinking, “But why even talk about it then?” Well, because it’s a fun little journey through the quirks of JavaScript and how we can mimic some old-school control flow in modern JS.

The Ghost of goto

In the days of yore, languages like BASIC and C had the goto statement, which allowed you to jump to any part of your code and continue execution from there. It was like using a teleporter in a sci-fi show – instant relocation. But with great power came great spaghetti… code, that is. goto made it super easy to write code that was nearly impossible to follow, debug, or maintain.

JavaScript, in its infinite wisdom (or perhaps to save us from ourselves), decided to leave goto out in the cold. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun and see how we could simulate something similar. Remember, this is more of a thought experiment than a best practice. So, let’s dive in!

Loop Labels: The goto Incarnate

JavaScript does have something that’s a distant cousin of goto: labels. You can label loops and blocks, and then use break or continue with those labels to control the flow of your code.

Here’s a little taste:

outerLoop: for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  innerLoop: for (let j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
    if (j > 2) break outerLoop; // Jumps out to the next iteration of outerLoop
    console.log(`i: ${i}, j: ${j}`);

In this snippet, we’re using break outerLoop; to jump out of not just the innerLoop, but the outerLoop as well. It’s like a controlled goto that can only jump out of loops. Not quite the wild west of unrestricted jumping, but it’s something.

switch Cases and Blocks: Your New Best Friends

Another way you can get a goto-esque experience in JavaScript is by using switch statements in a rather unconventional way. Check this out:

const action = "skipToTheEnd";

switch (action) {
  case "start":
    console.log("Starting the process...");
    // Imagine some code here
  case "continue":
    console.log("Continuing where we left off...");
    // Some more code
  case "skipToTheEnd":
    console.log("We're skipping right to the end, folks!");
    // Fast forward to the end
    console.log("Not sure what you want to do...");

By setting the action variable, we can control where our code execution starts within the switch block. It’s not the same as dynamically jumping to any line of code, but it can be used to control the flow in a top-down execution model.

Embracing Functions: The Modern goto

Alright, let’s get real. The most structured and maintainable way to simulate goto behavior in JavaScript is with functions. Functions are like well-organized teleportation pads – they take you exactly where you need to go and then bring you right back.

Imagine you have a series of steps in a process, and you want to be able to jump between them:

function stepOne() {
  console.log("Step One: Mix the ingredients.");
  // Code for step one...
  stepThree(); // Jumping to step three

function stepTwo() {
  console.log("Step Two: Preheat the oven.");
  // Code for step two...

function stepThree() {
  console.log("Step Three: Pour the mixture into a pan.");
  // Code for step three...


In this scenario, we’re calling stepThree() from within stepOne(), effectively jumping over stepTwo(). It’s a clear and maintainable way to control the order of operations without actually having a goto statement.

Conclusion of Part One

So, there you have it – a few ways to simulate the behavior of the infamous goto statement in JavaScript. Remember, these are more fun thought experiments than suggestions for your production code. JavaScript is designed to encourage structured and readable code, and that’s a beautiful thing.

Stay tuned for the second half of this article where we’ll explore even more creative (and perhaps a bit cheeky) ways to bend JavaScript to our will. We’ll also discuss why it’s generally a good idea to stick to the beaten path of well-established control flow patterns. Onward!

In the first half of this article, we explored the concept of goto and its absence in JavaScript. We discussed loop labels, unconventional switch statements, and the power of functions. Now, let’s push the envelope further and look at some advanced (and admittedly unusual) techniques for jumping around our code.

The Try/Catch Teleporter

Exception handling isn’t usually the first thing that comes to mind for flow control, but in a pinch, it can mimic our old friend goto. Here’s how we can use try/catch blocks to jump to different parts of our code:

function performAction(action) {
  try {
    if (action === "start") {
      console.log("Starting the adventure.");
      throw new Error("jumpToMiddle");
    console.log("This line is skipped if we jump.");
    if (action === "middle") throw new Error("jumpToEnd");
    console.log("This line is also skipped if we jump.");
  } catch (error) {
    if (error.message === "jumpToMiddle") {
      console.log("Jumped to the middle!");
    } else if (error.message === "jumpToEnd") {
      console.log("Jumped to the end!");
    } else {
      console.error("An actual error occurred: ", error);


While this is a neat trick, it’s highly unconventional and can lead to confusion and maintenance headaches. Exceptions should be reserved for handling, well, exceptional conditions, not for regular control flow.

Generators: Yielding Control

Generators in JavaScript are functions that can be exited and later re-entered, maintaining their context across re-entrances. This feature allows us to pause function execution and resume it at will, which can feel a bit like the goto statement.

Here’s a simple example:

function* workflow() {
  console.log("Start the process");
  console.log("Process resumed");
  console.log("Process finished");

const process = workflow();; // Start the process; // Process resumed; // Process finished

Generators give us fine-grained control over the execution of our code segments, but they’re usually used for iteration and asynchronous control flow, not as a goto replacement.

Async/Await: The Modern Control Flow

In modern JavaScript, async and await have revolutionized how we handle asynchronous operations. They can also be used to control the flow of our code in an elegant way, without resorting to goto-like constructs.

Consider this async process:

async function asyncFlow() {
  await stepOne();
  await stepTwo();
  await stepThree();

async function stepOne() {
  console.log("Step One: Starting the async process.");
  // Asynchronous code here...

async function stepTwo() {
  console.log("Step Two: Doing more async work.");
  // More asynchronous code...

async function stepThree() {
  console.log("Step Three: Wrapping up.");
  // Final asynchronous code...


By using async and await, we can ensure that our steps are executed in order, with clear entry and exit points, much like a well-organized goto sequence, but with the added benefit of handling asynchronous operations seamlessly.

Embracing the Event Loop

JavaScript is single-threaded, with an event loop that manages asynchronous operations. We can leverage this to create non-blocking code that still has a clear flow. This isn’t goto in the traditional sense, but it’s a powerful way to manage the execution order of our code.

Here’s an example using setTimeout to defer execution:

function firstTask() {
  console.log("First task done!");

function secondTask() {
  console.log("Second task done!");

console.log("Starting tasks...");
setTimeout(firstTask, 1000);
setTimeout(secondTask, 500);
console.log("Tasks started. Waiting for completion...");

In this snippet, secondTask will execute before firstTask due to the timers we’ve set. It’s a simple way to control the sequence of operations based on timing.

Final Thoughts

We’ve journeyed through some creative ways to simulate goto in JavaScript, from abusing try/catch for flow control to the elegant choreography of async functions. While these techniques can be fun to explore, they’re not a substitute for the clear, maintainable code that JavaScript’s built-in structures and best practices provide.

In conclusion, while JavaScript doesn’t have a goto statement, and for good reason, it does offer a multitude of ways to manage control flow that are more in line with modern programming paradigms. Embrace these tools, and leave the goto to the annals of programming history. Happy coding!